Quiz: Text From Someone I’m Dating or From My Food Delivery Driver?

An Excerpt from “I Thought This Was Worth Sharing: Stories and Some Other Stuff About Love and Some Other Stuff”

Scott Muska
2 min readJun 23, 2022


My first book is out now. You can check it out here.

1. “Are you sure you live here?”

2. “I’ve been waiting for a very long time.”

3. “If I go any faster, it could endanger myself and others.”

4. “I hope you’re saving some of that for tomorrow.”

5. “I’m pretty sure there’s only one entrance where I’m allowed.”

6. “Do you think you’ll ever be ready to try something new?”

7. “I pretty much always come early. Maybe I go too fast.”

8. “Well, it smells like pepperoni.”

9. “You can have it all.”

10. “The quicker I get there, the hotter it is.”

11. “No. That is absolutely not what you said you wanted. I have it in writing right here.”

12. “Look, I’ll give it to someone else if you don’t want it.”

13. “I never asked for this.”



Scott Muska

I write books (for fun, and you can find them on Amazon), ads (for a living) and some other stuff (that I almost always put on the internet).